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Animal Sciences The Biology, Care, And Production Of Domestic Animals [Hardcover]

ISBN: 9789381714263

Edition: 4th Edition

Author : John R. Campbell, M. Douglas Kenealy, Karen L. Campbell

Year: 2022

Pages: 522

Size: 28.4 x 22.4 x 3 cm

Publisher Name: Medtech

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 2,495.00

This textbook is intended as a comprehensive introduction to the biology, Care, and production of domestic animals and freshwater fish raised to provide food, as well as pets kept for companionship and recreation. The authors’ teaching and research experiences in agriculture, animal and dairy sciences, and dairy sciences, and veterinary medicine provide the professional expertise that underpins the clearly written discussions of advances in animal sciences affecting humans globally. Coverage includes breeds and life cycles of livestock and poultry; nutritional contributions of animal products to humans; the principles of animal genetics, anatomy, and physiology including reproduction, lactation, and growth; animal disease and public health; and insects and their biological control..

Each chapter stands of its own. Instructors can assign higher priority to certain chapters and arrange topics for study in keeping with their preferred course outlines. The text has been classroom-tested for four decades in more than 100 colleges and universities at home and abroad Additionally, it is pedagogically enhanced with glossary terms in boldface type, study questions at the end of each chapter, more than 350 illustrations, and historical and philosophical quotations. These useful features aid students in comprehending scientific concepts as well as enjoying the pleasures derived from learning more about food – producing animals, horses, and popular pets.

1. Animal Agriculture

History and Development of Animal Agriculture / Domestication of Animals / History of Agricultural Education and Research / Animal Agriculture and the World Economy / Animal Agriculture and the United States Economy / Summary

2. Breeds and Life Cycles of Livestock and Poultry

Introduction / Development of Breeds / Breeds of Livestock and Poultry / Beef Life Cycle / Dairy Life Cycle / Goat Life Cycle / Sheep Life Cycle / Swine Life Cycle / Poultry Life Cycle / Summary

3. Animal Products

History of Availability and Consumption of Animal Products / Composition and Comparative Nutritional Contributions of Selected Animal Products / Purchasing Food Nutrients via Animal Products / Trends in Per Capita Consumption of Animal Products / Atherosclerosis / Fortification of Animal Products / Preservation of Animal Products / Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance in the Production of Foods from Animals / Grading Animal Products / The Future of Animal Products / Summary

4. Companion Animals

Introduction / History and Domestication of Dogs and Cats / Breeds and Characteristics of Companion Animals / Contributions of Companion Animals to Humans / Therapeutic Uses of Companion Animals / Human–Companion Animal Bonding / Companion Animal Behavior / Care and Training of Companion Animals / Feeding and Managing Companion Animals / Health and Disease Aspects of Companion Animals / Career Opportunities Associated with Companion Animals / Summary

5. Horses

Introduction / Characteristics and Types of Horses / Selection of Horses / Care and Management of Breeding Horses / Nutrition of Horses / Training and Grooming Horses / Common Defects and Unsoundness in Horses / Determining the Age of Horses / Disease and Parasite Control Aspects of Horses / Summary

6. Aquaculture

Introduction / Aquaculture Defined / History of Aquaculture / Current Trends in Global Fish Consumption / Characteristics of Fish / Water Quality / Production Methods / Aquaculture Production Cycles / Aquaculture, the Environment, and Animal Well-Being / Marketing / Processing of Aquaculture Products / Summary

7. State of Being of Domestic Animals

Introduction / Origins of the Debate / Scientific Assessment of the State of Being of Agricultural Animals / Scientific Assessment of the Current Status of Animal State of Being / Summary

8. Fundamental Principles of Genetics

Introduction / The Cell Theory of Inheritance / Chromosomal Abnormalities / Cell Division / The Gene and How It Functions / Genes and Embryological Development / Biotechnology / Segregation and Recombination of Genes / Laws of Probability and Animal Breeding / Mutations / Phenotypic Expression of Genes (Nonadditive) / Phenotypic Expression of Genes (Additive) / Sex-Linked Inheritance / Sex-Influenced Inheritance / Sex-Limited Traits / Genome Project / Summary

9. Principles of Selecting and Mating Farm Animals

Introduction / Phenotypic Variations in Quantitative Traits / Statistical Evaluation of Quantitative Traits / Frequency of Genes in a Population / Causes of Phenotypic Variation / Selection / Selection for Different Kinds of Gene Action / Selection of Superior Breeding Stock / Predicting the Amount of Progress Possible through Selection / Genetic Correlations / National Performance Programs / National Genetic Evaluation / Mating Systems for Livestock Improvement / Summary

10. Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals

Introduction / External Body Parts / The Skeletal System / The Muscular System / The Circulatory System / The Digestive System / The Respiratory System / The Nervous System / The Urinary System / Summary

11. The Application of Endocrinology to Selected Animals and Humans

Introduction / The Science of Endocrinology / Endocrine Glands and Their Secretions / The Chemical Nature of Hormones / Functions of Hormones / Mechanism of Hormone Action / Regulation of Hormone Secretion / Practical Uses of Natural and Synthetic Hormones / Summary

12. The Physiology of Growth and Senescence

Introduction / The Phenomenon of Growth / The Cell Is the Unit of Growth / Periods of Growth / Hormonal Control of Growth / Nutrition and Growth / Hereditary Mechanisms in Growth / Senescence (Aging) / Some Hypotheses of Aging / Summary

13. Anatomy and Physiology of Reproduction and Related Technologies in Farm Mammals

Introduction / Anatomy of the Mammalian Male Reproductive Tract / Anatomy of the Mammalian Female Reproductive Tract / Physiology of Reproduction in Farm Mammals / Application of Recent Research and Related Technologies in the Physiology of Reproduction / Summary

14. Artificial Insemination

Nomenclature and Definition / History and Development of Artificial Insemination / Importance and Implications of Artificial Insemination / Semen Collection / Evaluation of Semen / Extension of Semen / Semen Storage / Regulations Governing Artificial Insemination in Cattle / Artificial Insemination in Cattle / Artificial Insemination in Swine / Artificial Insemination in Horses / Artificial Insemination in Poultry / Artificial Insemination in Bees / Artificial Insemination in Humans / The National Association of Animal Breeders, Inc. / The Future of Artificial Insemination / Summary

15. Physiology of Lactation

Introduction / Mammary Gland Defined / Anatomy and Architecture of Mammary Glands / Growth and Development of Mammary Glands / Hormonal Regulation of Lactation / How Milk Is Made / How Milk Is Discharged (Secreted) / The Phenomenon of Milk Letdown / Regression (Involution) of the Mammary Gland / Factors Affecting Lactation / Immunological Aspects of Colostrum / Transgenic Animals and Lactation / Summary

16. Physiology of Egg Laying

Introduction / Egg Colors and Shapes / The Structure of an Egg / Reproduction and Egg Formation / Hormonal Regulation of Egg Laying / How an Egg Is Laid (Oviposition) / Factors Affecting Egg Laying / Factors Affecting the Composition and Characteristics of Eggs / Factors Affecting Egg Size / Immunological and Medical Aspects of Eggs / Summary

17. Ecology and Environmental Physiology

Introduction / Heredity and Environment / Adaptation to Environment / Stress / Homeostasis and Homeothermy / Temperature Regulation / Nutritional Aspects of Environmental Conditions / Fever / The Thermoneutral Zone / Heat Production / Heat Dissipation / Effects of Climate on Production / Summary

18. Principles of Nutrition: Plant and Animal Composition

Introduction / Composition of Plants and Animals / Analysis of Foodstuffs / Determination of the Digestibility of Feeds / The Energy Content of Foods / Feed Additives / Summary

19. The Physiology of Digestion in Nutrition

Introduction / Types and Capacities of Digestive Systems / The Process of Digestion / Appetite / The Prehension of Food / The Mastication of Food / Enzymes of the Digestive Tract / Avian Digestion / Absorption of Food Nutrients / Factors Affecting the Digestibility of Feeds / Efficiency of Food Conversion / Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Food Conversion / Summary

20. The Nutritional Application of Vitamins to Human and Animal Health

Introduction / Vitamins Defined / The Fat-Soluble Vitamins / The Water-Soluble Vitamins and Related Compounds / Vitamin Assays / Expressing Vitamins A and D Quantitatively / Supplying Vitamins to Farm Mammals and Poultry / Summary

21. The Nutritional Contributions of Minerals to Humans and Animals

Introduction/ The Macroelements / The Microelements (Trace Elements) / Summary

22. Animal Disease and the Health of Humans

Introduction / Disease and Health / Selected Animal Diseases Transmissible to Humans / Selected Human Diseases Transmissible to Animals / Diseases Transmissible by Animals as Passive Carriers / Toxic Plants / Governmental Safeguards for Animal and Human Health / Protecting United States Livestock from Foreign Diseases / Summary

23. Selected Insects and Parasites of Significance to Humans and Animals

Introduction / Taxonomy / Contributions of Insects to Humans / Harmful Effects of Insects / Selected Arthropods Affecting Domestic Animals and/or Humans / Arthropod Control—Essential for Humans / Summary

24. Ethology and Animal Behavior

Introduction / Causes of Behavioral Responses in Animals / Motivation / Methods of Animal Communication / Orientation Behavior (Navigation or Homing) / Categories of Animal Behavior / Social Dominance / Population Density and Animal Behavior / Summary

Appendix A: Common Terms or Names Applied to Selected Farm Animals

Appendix B: Convenient Conversion Data

Appendix C: Tables of Weights and Measures

Appendix D: Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations in the United States and Its Territories

Appendix E: Alphabetical List of Elements and Symbols



Dr. John R. Campbell earned three degrees and was coferred an honorary DSc from the University of Missouri where he taught and conducted research for two decades before serving as Dean of Agriculture at the University of Illinois and as President of Oklahoma State University. He team-taught the first comprehensive introductory animal sciences course at the University of Missouri Dr. Campbell authored four and co-authored three other books and has received numerous teaching awards among other honors (e.g. serving as President of the American Dairy Science Association). But the honor from which the derived the greatest personal pleasure is that of having been given the privilege to participate in the learning experiences of more than 12,000 young people (mostly students of animal sciences, pre-veterinary medicine and agricultural education).

Dr. M. Douglas Kenealy  received a PhD in Animal Nutrition (Animal Science) and Physiology(Zoology) from lowa state university. He then served a short time in the US Army followed by an industry position as an animal nutritionist Dr. Kenealy returned to lowa State University on a primary teaching assignment. During his career his career he has introduced over 13,000 undergraduates to the animal sciences. Kenealy currently serves as Professor in Charge of Dairy Science and Section Leader for Animal Science Teaching. He holds honorary faculty positions at the National Agriculture University of Ukrain and Trakia University in Bulgaria. Dr. Kenealy received the 2009 Fellow award in teaching from the American Society of Animal Science and a 2009 national USDA – FAS Excellence in Teaching Award.

Dr. Karen L. Campbell was first introduced to animal sciences on her grandparents’ dairy farms She majored in animal science at the University of Missouri where she also completed a DVM degree with highest She studied veterinary internal medicine surgery and clinical pathology at Auburn University and the University of Georgia. She is board-certified as a specialist of veterinary internal medicine and of dermatology. She has been teaching at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine since 1983. Dr. Campbell has published over 100 scientific papers 23 book chapters, and given numerous Iectures domestically and globally. She has authored six textbooks and served in various professional offices including President of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology.

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