Bacteria, Lichens, Viruses, 2nd Edi. (PB)

ISBN: 9788196544539

Edition: 2nd Edition

Author : O. P. Sharma

Year: 2024

Pages: 780 + 8 Plates

Size: 25*18*2

Publisher Name: MedTech Science Press

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 1,095.00

Textbook of Thallophytes is designed to fulfill the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Botany, Agriculture, Forestry and all competitive examinations, including NEET, IAS, IFS, PCS, NET and SLET. It contains a wide variety of topics belonging to phycology, mycology, bacteriology, lichenology, virology and plant pathology.


Salient Features

●   Exhaustive life-history details of all groups of

            •   40 genera of algae

            •   42 genera of fungi

●   Independent, well-illustrated and detailed chapters on

            •   Lichens

            •   Bacteria

            •   Viruses

●   Discusses some rare fungal groups such as Laculoascomycetes and Laboulbeniomycetes

●   A detailed general account of plant diseases and their control

●   Rich pedagogy

            •   400+ well-labelled line diagrams prepared by some best available artists of the country

            •   50+ scanning and transmission electron micrographs supplied specially for this book by some top-ranking botanists of USA, Germany, UK, Denmark, Russia, India, Ukraine, France and Japan.

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