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Engineering Mathematics (Pb)

Rs. 395

Attribute Details
ISBN 9789385998560
Author Kala V.N.
Subject Mathematics Statistics & management
Binding Paperback
Total Pages -
Copyright Year 2017

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The book has been written as per the syllabus of B.Tech./B.E. First year and first semester of all Engineering Colleges of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun and other states of India. The book contains five units. Unit I–Matrices; Unit II –Differential Calculus-I; Unit II–Differential Calculus; and Unit V–Vector Calculus. The Chapters of each unit have been described in such a way that the students will understand the concept easily. Salient Features: Subject matter is presented in a very systematic and logical manner. Every topic has been started with necessary introduction and developed gradually upto the standard form Exhaustive treatment of the subject Worked out examples to clarify concepts Problems for Practice included at the end of each chapter