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Agricultural Sciences At A Glance {Pb}

Rs. 195

Attribute Details
ISBN 9789387465749
Author Ashutosh Singh
Subject Agricultural Science
Binding Paperback
Total Pages -
Copyright Year 2018

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History of agriculture begins with the history of evolution of mankind. Agriculture is an integral part of any ancient civilization as known today. In these thousands years, agriculture has evolved from routine practice to an advance science and technology. This led to the foundation of agriculture education system in the world. In this book we have presented 5 units related to 'Agricultural Sciences, which covers all subjects of the agricultural sciences including general studies and memory based questions asked in several competitive examinations. UNIT-I, Plant sciences comprised of Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Cell Biology, Botany and Genetics, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Plant Biotechnology and plant molecular biology with more than 800 questions. UNIT-II, Agricultural Sciences, Crop Production & Related Problems, covers Agronomy & Crop Production, Fruit, Vegetables Science & Floriculture, Major Insects, Pests and Diseases of Crops, Fruits, Vegetables Science and Soil Science with near about 1100 questions. In case of UNIT-Ill, that is comprises of General Agriculture & Importance of Agriculture in National Economy covers almost thins of about Ministry of Agriculture, ICAR, Relation Institutions and Agricultural Universities, National Economy, Agricultural Economics & Extension, General Agriculture & General Science, Agricultural Statistics and Animal Science with more than 600 questions. Whereas UNIT-IV and UNIT-V, general studies and botanical name of the various plants respectively with more than 600 questions. So, we can happy to share the readers, this book covers all the subjects of agricultural sciences and each question is in a single lines according to the name of book "Agricultural Sciences at a Glance" I hope that this book entitled "agricultural sciences at a glance" would be helpful the students for various competitive examinations like Entrance examination, NET, JRF, SRF, SSC, Banking services and Civil Services related to agricultural sciences