Textbook of Pteridophyta, 2nd/Ed. (PB)

ISBN: 9789393168856

Edition: 2nd Edition

Author : O. P. Sharma

Year: 2024

Pages: 428

Size: 24*18*2

Publisher Name: MedTech Science Press

Rs. 0.00
Rs. 795.00

The TEXTBOOK OF PTERIDOPHYTA, a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Botany, is written with the sole aim to provide an up-to-date and authentic text to the readers. This book deliberates the pteridophytes (both extinct and extant) from the fundamental level to the recent concepts. The entire subject matter is explained in a simple, lucid and understandable writing style.

Salient Features

●   Covers all divisions of Pteridophyta

                ♦  Psilophytopsida                ♦  Psilotopsida                       ♦  Lycopsida

                ♦  Sphenopsida                     ♦  Pteropsida

●   Presents an up-to-date coverage of the subject as per details given in

                ♦  Classification of pteridophytes by Smith et al. (2006)

                ♦  Books and research articles published upto 2010

●   Provides well-illustrated  life-history details of largest number  of  genera (42) not covered in any other  Indian book of pteridophytes.

●   Discusses  several new, modern and application-based topics

                ♦  Nuclear DNA amounts in pteridophytes

                ♦  Morphogenesis

                ♦  Cytogenetics

                ♦  Economic Importance

                ♦  Threatened pteridophytes of India : Handle them with care

●  Gives chapterwise discussion of 15 general topics of Pteridophya, the largest in any other available Indian book on the subject.

●   Rich pedagogy

                ♦  14 illustrated and pictorial life-cycles of major living genera

                ♦  17 Tables of comparison spread in the entire text

                ♦  320 well-labelled diagrams which make it a profusely-illustrated book

                ♦  623 chapter-end questions with answers of most of the short-answer questions at the end of the   book.

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