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Textbook Of Pericyclic Reactions : Concept And Application (Pb)

Rs. 395

Attribute Details
ISBN 9789384007379
Author Majumdar
Subject Chemistry
Binding Paperback
Total Pages -
Copyright Year 2022

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Based on the lecture notes, the Textbook of Pericyclic Reactions is intended to provide a lucid explanation of concepts. Written in simple language and embedded with examples, problems and diagrams. Its objective is to make the subject comprehensive to the students and others preparing for competitive examinations. This book is highly recommended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students in developing and underdeveloped countries. The book is profusely illustrated and covers the latest findings to make it a reliable textbook. After dealing with the classification of pericyclic reactions and conservation of orbital symmetry, it covers symmetry properties of molecular orbitals, theory of pericyclic reactions, cycloaddition reactions, electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic reactions, site- and periselectivity, group transfer reactions, cyclic bond reorganizations, etc.