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Genetic Engineering And Rice Biotechnology (Pb)

Rs. 395

Attribute Details
ISBN 9789384007102
Author Shukla
Subject Agricultural Science
Binding Paperback
Total Pages -
Copyright Year 2014

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The book Genetic Engineering and Rice Biotechnology is primarity designed as a textbook for undergraduate-level. Author recognises that a sound grasp of basic principles is vital in any introduction to Genetic Engineering. Rice represents a unique opportunity for improvement through genetic engineering. This new book provides a detailed review of past and present developments in the genetic engineering of rice, as well as an informed examination of current genetic engineering material and methods. The text provides an introduction to the relevant basic molecular biology; the methods used to manipulate genes; and applications of the technology. Amongst cereals, rice commands a special position. it is truly a crop of global Importance. Almost half the world's population, particularly in East and Southeast Asia, depends on rice as the major source of nutritional calories, 95% is consumed by humans as an unprocessed food. Indica i type rice accounts for 80% of the cultivated rice, and is the staple food for more than two billion people. Each and every concept described in such a manner that students can understood the topic easily-The book will enable students to tailor their study, to suit their own learning styles and ultimately gain a firm grasp of a subject that students traditionally find ditficult.