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Textbook of Fungi And Allied Microorganisms, 3/e (PB)

Rs. 795

Attribute Details
ISBN 9789393168818
Author O.P. Sharma
Subject Agricultural Science
Binding Paperback
Total Pages -
Copyright Year 2024

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The TEXTBOOK OF FUNGI AND ALLIED MICROBES is a comprehensive presentation that delves into all aspects of the fascinating world of fungi, bacteria and viruses in an insightful and penetrating manner. It is written in a language that is easy to comprehend, and the latest techniques and developments are presented in easily understandable manner. Salient Features: • It contains well-illustrated life-history details of 55 genera of fungi covering the UG and PG syllabi of more that 90% universities of the country. • It covers chapterwise discussion of almost all important general topics of fungi and allied microbes, usually asked in the examination. • It deals with several application-based chapters such as Single-cell Protein, and Fungi and Biotechnology. • It discusses the entire text with the help of 288 well-labelled line diagrams and more than 50 electron micrographs spared specially for this book by some top botanists of Japan, France, Denmark and Russia. • It compares different aspects of fungi, bacteria and viruses with the help of 25 Tables of comparison. • It follows classification of fungi proposed by Kirk et al (2001) and Webster and Weber (2007). • It provides chapterwise discussion of several lichens and some selected diseases of plants caused by fungi (18), bacteria (3) and viruses (4). • It includes a consolidated glossary of over 210 mycological terms. • It appends with answers of 387, short answer, chapter-end questions.