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Food Microbiology An Introduction 2/Ed (Including 259 Mcqs)(Pb)

Rs. 995

Attribute Details
ISBN 9789385998447
Author Adam
Subject Food Science
Binding Paperback
Total Pages -
Copyright Year 2017

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Food microbiology is a subdiscipline in the field of microbiology concerned with the study of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that grow in or are transmitted by foods. While bacteria are frequently associated with food spoilage and food poisoning, some species preserve foods through fermentation or produce food ingredients. Microbiology can be defined as the biology of microscopic organisms, or life too small to be seen with the naked eye. Microbiology covers several disciplines, including virology (study of viruses), bacteriology (study of bacteria), mycology (study of fungi), and parasitology (study of parasites). Each of these disciplines may include but is not limited to studies of infectious disease-causing microorganisms. Food microbiology is a broad field that can include not only microbiology but also sanitation, epidemiology, biochemistry, engineering, statistics, and mathematical modelling. It encompasses the study of microorganisms which have both beneficial and deleterious effects on the quality and safety of raw and processed meat, poultry, and egg products. Modern food microbiology views foods as habitats where different organisms compete for survival. This book summaries the various aspects of Food Microbiology and contains 14 chapters. The present reference textbook of Food Microbiology is a complete treatise on this subject. The first edition of the book was well accepted by the readers but we thought to present the second edition of the book to make the book more useful and popular. This edition provides various aspects of Food Microbiology written in a simple and lucid style to help the readers grasp the information quickly and easily. Multiple choice questions and colour plates have been added in this edition will prove to be very useful reading material for all students, teachers, professionals, researchers, scientists involved in biotechnology and life science. The book also caters to the requirement of the syllabus prescribed by various Indian universities for undergraduates and postgraduates who are pursuing these courses. It is also an essential reading for B. Tech. (Food Technology/Environmental Biotechnology/Microbiology) and students pursuing B.Sc./M.Sc. course in Biotechnology and Microbiology. Besides students, this book will prove useful to industrialists and consultants in food processing/food technology. It also caters to the requirement of the syllabus prescribed by various universities for undergraduate & postgraduate courses in the above subjects. Brief Contents: Food Microbiology: A Revlew • Role of Microorganisms in Food Microbiology • Factors Affecting the Growth and Survival of Microorganisms in Food • Microbiology of Food Preservation • Microbiology of Primary Food Commodities • Food Microbiology and Public Health • Bacterial Agents of Foodborne Illness • Non-bacterial Agents of Foodborne Illness • Fermented Milk Products • Fermented Vegetables • Fermented Meat and Fish Products • Beer, Vinegar and Mold Fermentation • Detection, Identification and Analysis of Foodborne Pathogens • Controlling the Microbiological Quality of Foods • Multiple Choice Questions • Glossary * References # Index